內行的人就會知道靈感來自Skyrim. 這遊戲在國外很受歡迎我知道,這幾天我在台灣問每家店都賣到缺貨是什麼回事?
如果你是外行的人,那隻紅色的就是龍 (因為龍年),然後前面那個就是英雄拿著鞭炮(因為過年),然後就祝大家新年快樂 (因為快樂最重要)。
所以祝大家新的一年都快樂地過,該畢業的畢業,該賺錢的賺錢,該結婚的結婚,該生小孩的生小孩,該退休的退休 (因為這幾天大家都這樣說)。
Sorry for the late update again, but you know, it's a busy time for Chinese during Chinese New Year. So I thought of using Skyrim because it's the year of the dragon, and I've been trying to find this game for the past week or so.
Oh and if you thought to yourself what a great looking dragon that is, I used ghostfire's Skyrim dragon as my reference, he/she did a much better work then I did. (http://ghostfire.deviantart.com/)
Anyways, wish all of you a Happy Chinese New Year, and...happy all year as well.