又是星期四? 是的,因為昨天回到家以後就一覺睡到天亮。因天的亞洲復仇者應該是最普通的吧。。。本來的想法是把黑寡婦畫成類似韓國女子團體之類的,結果畫出來以後好像比較像情婦之類的,但是我也懶的去改了。
I fell asleep right after I came home last night... that's why the post is late. But here your go, Asian Black Widow, the Red Mistress! Finally more boobs in my drawings. And yes, I did intentionally made the dress shorter and the boos larger. But its a cute cartoon style so...kinna weird. And yes, it did turn out to be kind of generic...but at least its done alright?