Thursday, May 31, 2012

Red Mistress 紅狸精

又是星期四? 是的,因為昨天回到家以後就一覺睡到天亮。因天的亞洲復仇者應該是最普通的吧。。。本來的想法是把黑寡婦畫成類似韓國女子團體之類的,結果畫出來以後好像比較像情婦之類的,但是我也懶的去改了。

I fell asleep right after I came home last night... that's why the post is late. But here your go, Asian Black Widow, the Red Mistress! Finally more boobs in my drawings. And yes, I did intentionally made the dress shorter and the boos larger. But its a cute cartoon style so...kinna weird. And yes, it did turn out to be kind of generic...but at least its done alright?

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I have to WULK 勞克


順道一提,本來一直以為我的手機螢幕被撞一個凹洞,最近換保護貼的時候發現原只傷到保護貼...epic win

Hulk to Wulk...ya, not much creativity there, and its not even Asian. But I am tired of work and need sleep. All the salary man reading this, have a great night.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Chor 雷神口爾


Happy Wednesday again. Obviously the name Chor came from Thor, but what does it mean? The answer is  nothing, I named it Chor simply because I can't think of a name that is similar to Thor and have relation to what I am drawing.
For those who don't know, the Chinese thunder god is called Lei Kung and holds a hammer and mace that punishes evildoers...the difference is...he is not that easy on the eyes. Japanese also have their thunder god named Raiden who carries drums on his back who likes to participate in Mortal Combat and Metal Gear.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

母親節快樂 Happy Mother's Day


不過我個人認為生這些異形小孩出來以後年復一年的折磨應該比整段生產的過程還痛苦吧? 所以如果你年紀越大應該要對母親越好才對。。。不過既然小孩那麼折磨為什麼還要生?所以另一個角度看母親們其實也算是自找的 。(以上發言絕對不是本人對自己母親看法)

Happy Mothers Day to all the moms that are reading this...which might only be my mom. So, happy mothers day MOM!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Iron Chef


Just watched the Avengers on labor day, which means I will continue to draw my "Asiangers", which looks better then regular comics anyway, and I don't have to fail at writing a punch line. This week, the IRON CHEF...and now I am going to bed. Come to think of it, I've been sleeping for 4 to 5 hour during weekdays for the past few weeks because I've been leaving work so late...nice job at being efficient.