Wednesday, July 25, 2012


跟著上禮拜上映的蝙蝠俠熱潮,一定要來個蝙蝠俠的漫畫。蝙蝠俠戴上面罩以後聲音好像都會變低,尤其是 Christopher Nolan 這三部,聲音更是燒聲的很嚴重。當蝙蝠俠已經夠累了,還要變聲不是更累嗎?

Happy Wednesday. I've been lazy...I mean "busy" recently, which is why I've started to update every 2 week instated of every week.

So what did we learn from The Dark Knight Rises?
Always be yourself.
Unless you can be Batman.
Then always be Batman.
Because Batman is awesome.
And why is Batman awesome?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Lego Talks 樂高人的對話

快樂星期三。又連續兩個禮拜沒有畫了。一方面沒時間,另一方面沒有什麼 idea 。很多人小時候都有玩過樂高,甚至有些最近都還在玩 (咳,Amy)。但你們還記得那些小樂高人有沒有對話嗎?

從2005年開始,Traveler's Tales 開始推出樂高的遊戲。從星際大戰,印地安那瓊斯,加勒比海盜,哈利波特等,幾乎每年都有兩三個遊戲推出。雖然都是電影的故事和劇情,但那些樂高版本的角色卻一句對話也沒有,只有吱吱嗚嗚的聲音。



Happy Wednesday! I've been busy again so, sorry for not updating regularly.

For Those of you who plays video games, you must known about Traveler's Tales and their lines of Lego games. Despite releasing one after another yearly, and the kiddish theme, they've all been quite good. A lot of it comes from the charm of Lego, which is universally loved by children and adult.

Since their first Lego game, "Lego Star Wars." The Legos themselves does not talk at all. Part of it might be the development budget, another part might be wanting to maintain the charm of the Lego as toys and not characters.

However the most resent release of Lego Batman 2, is first game they had the Legos talk. I heard the reason for this is from the result of a survey. The survey shows that adults prefer Lego stays silent while kids thought Legos have been talking the whole time.

I use to thought Legos shouldn't talk as well, but thinking back to when I was a kid playing with my Legos, they do talk, and they all have different personalities and act out amazing stories...(for a kid). I sill have most of my Legos, but if only I can have as much fun as I was playing with Lego as a kid...