Tuesday, May 27, 2014

214 Days

(214天) 鑽戒選購指南 (其實不是)









(214 Days) Diamond ring buying guide (not really)

What is a proposal without a diamond ring? There will be nothing to symbolize your forever love. If it's your first proposal, it's probable your first time buying a diamond ring. Jeweler will tell you to spend at least 3 month of your salary on the ring, but my suggestion? Do some research first.

Diamond are hard, but not tough, you can smash it with a hammer pretty easily. (Just like your forever love)

Diamonds are rare, but not that rare. It's probably the most common gem around. (How many of our friends owns diamonds and how many owns sapphire?)

Diamonds are also not as valuable as many gems. They are also not a good investment apart from few rare and large ones. (Engagement rings are the worst investment, if you will never sell your rings, that means your investment will never make you any profit.)

Diamonds are good for funding wars, specifically the civil wars that has been going on in Africa, killing millions. (Have you seen Blood Diamond?....yep)

The reason diamonds are so desirable and expensive? ...culture. Our cultures believes that diamonds represents love, luxury...bla bla bla. With the addition of brand effect, diamond traders are able to mark up the price from 50 to 1000%.

I know regardless of what I said, girls will still want a diamond ring for the proposal. My advice...don't spend 3 month of salary on that thing. If she truly loves you, she will be happy as long as it doesn't look ugly. For those who has been brainwashed by me...you can tell your boyfriend to get you something other than diamond ring.

Side note: knowing most people can't tell the difference between real and fake diamond or the grade of the diamond, what kind of engagement ring did I buy?

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

220 Days




但想想好處,你可以讓另一半開心,家人開心,朋友開心 (至少Facebook上看起來很開心),還可以刺激經濟成長。


Thank you for visiting our page.
We will share our process of planning our wedding.
Hopefully this will be helpful for those of you who are single.
For those who are married...maybe it will be helpful for your next one XD

(220 Days) Why get marry?

People list out their new year resolution every year, because writing it down makes them more committed to their goals, so relationship written down on paper will make you more committed to the relationship as well right? Un....maybe...maybe not.

If you feel that the act of marriage doesn't effect your commitment does it means you shouldn't get married? Well, if you feel indifferent either way, why not do it to make everyone around you happy? (At least most people seems to be happy about it on Facebook.) Most of all

Also, wedding will help boost the economic.

Monday, May 19, 2014


Pennie Teng and Bob Chuang has an announcement