Tuesday, June 10, 2014

170 Days

(170 Day) The small project I was working on previously, but too bad I am unable to attend.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

207 Days

(207天) 難忘的求婚
動作:基於西方文化影響,單膝下跪變成了求婚基本姿勢。在中古世紀王室封爵的時候武士就以單膝下跪來表示遵從 (就好像結婚後一樣…)。但如果你不想遵從或是不喜歡西方文化那你用鞠躬也可以。至於女生的基本動作就是張開嘴巴然後用兩隻手摀住嘴…我也不知道為什麼



(Pennie! 就決定是你了!)

(207 Days) A Memorable Proposal

After you get your diamond ring, you can start to prepare for your proposal.

Gesture: With the influence of the western culture, a bended knee become the standard gesture. This tradition roots in medieval times, when knights were knighted by royals, they kneel as gesture of servitude (which is kind of true to marriage). For girls, the standard gesture is open their mouth and block it with both hands...that did not come from medieval times.

Location: Public place with a lot of people watching and video recording is bad. Because, the girls will more liberated to reject you, and that you will still have some dignity left if she dose reject.

Creativity: The regular “Will you marry me?” is not memorable enough. People come up with acts to surprise the girl. But whatever you do, don’t put your rings with weird places, tiding it to a balloon or put in in her food can lead to some bad outcome, better just keep it in your pockets.

Conclusion: Regardless of the method, she is going to remember it. It might even be more memorable if it was really bad. But actually it’s not about the gesture, location or creativity, just ask the question sincerely, that’s what matters.

(Pennie! I Chose You!)