Thursday, December 29, 2011

Why we hug 擁抱的原因



Last Wednesday before new year! I'll be taking a break for week or two in Taiwan so maybe won't be updating as frequent.

Just for your record, I am not a pervert...most of the time. So you can still give me a hug when you see me.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Fuckin' X-Mens


A Merry Fuckin' Christmas to my friend who likes Wolverine. For those who don't, just Merry Christmas. (Ya, I know the X with the claw thing didn't turn out really well.) 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Nyanyan Christmas

這個是聖誕版的Nyan Cat。

我很多朋友都不知道 Nyan Cat 是什麼,所以就簡單解釋一下。
Nyan Cat 是一個 Internet meme, 然後 Internet meme 就是。。。網路上盛傳的。。。東西。

故事就是有個人畫了一隻有 Pop-Tart 身體的貓。然後另一個把這隻 "Pop-Tart Cat" 配上初音的 Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya! 當背景音樂,放上 YouTube. 

兩個禮拜內就被點播一百萬。目前為止大概有五千多萬次。(。。。 我也不知道為什麼,自己看吧)

Christmas is this weekend and it calls for a seasonal post...
So if you don't know what Nyan Cat is just look at the YouTube description, and there is a original Christmas version if you are interested.

Nyan~Nyan Nyanyan Nyan anyone who celebrates it, and Nyan-Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan~Nyan to those who don't care.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Pooping Win! 上廁所、勝!



It's Wednesday! So basically this situation have happened to me in a couple of occasion, and I felt good every time I found toilet paper. For the time that I found no toilet paper...we don't need to bring back bad memories of washing my hand 10 times in a row.

Also I think we should celebrate the little achievements in life...because I don't really have much real achievements to celebrate to.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Everyday I'm Shufflception-ing

如果你沒聽過 Party Rock Anthem 這首歌請先看下面的影片

"Everyday I'm Shuffling"
在這首歌裡,Shuffle 是一種舞步,Shuffle 另一個意思就是洗牌。
所以賭場的莊荷就也是everyday shuffling.........ok, 不懂我的幽默解釋在多也沒用。


I didn't know shuffle was a type of dance step until I looked it up, and it as a lot harder then it looked.
Ya...there has already been a ton of shuffling card thing on the internet, well I am guessing when most people heard this song for the first time they thought of shuffling cards right?