Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Everyday I'm Shufflception-ing

如果你沒聽過 Party Rock Anthem 這首歌請先看下面的影片

"Everyday I'm Shuffling"
在這首歌裡,Shuffle 是一種舞步,Shuffle 另一個意思就是洗牌。
所以賭場的莊荷就也是everyday shuffling.........ok, 不懂我的幽默解釋在多也沒用。


I didn't know shuffle was a type of dance step until I looked it up, and it as a lot harder then it looked.
Ya...there has already been a ton of shuffling card thing on the internet, well I am guessing when most people heard this song for the first time they thought of shuffling cards right?

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