Thursday, February 23, 2012


星期三快樂,一個禮拜又剩下了一半。雖然心裡有點想養狗,但也知道自己懶得照顧,所以只會去朋友家玩他們的狗。新年期間在我大阿姨家跟他家的黃金獵犬玩丟球玩了兩個小時,到他自己累了才停 (其實我是在等其他人起床跟化妝)。嗯。。。重點就是狗還是很有趣的寵物,只是我懶得照顧,可能哪天我沒事做的時候就會去養吧。

Dog (or other pets) do all sorts of things that don't make sense..or in other words, stupid things. However, they get away with it because are so cute...or in other words, stupid looking, just like human babies. I don't have a dog, so I just play with my friend's whenever I visit them (my aunt's dog in the comic). Playing with other people's pet is different though, its like playing game on other people's console, I can still have fun, but always not quite enough. But when I finish my game, its just a dust collector. So dogs? Maybe when I am older with a lot more free time.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine vs. Zombie

情人節跟 Resident Evil 裡面的 Jill Valentine 有密切的關係,因為情人節本來是用來慶祝他們家族來到 Raccoon City 的節日 (純屬虛構)。我聽說是 Hallmark 卡片公司想出來為了要賣卡片的節日。。。但其實好像也不是,至少 Wikipedia 說不是。


Ya, Valentine's Day, another commercialized holiday where guys try to impress girls with flowers and other stuff. But today, I entertain all of you with Jill Valentine (from Resident Evil) sitting suggestively on a zombie (from Plants vs. Zombie) and a big gun. Ya its not the best thing to look at (if you are a girl), but at least it's something other then picture of flowers and chocolate that flooded the Facebook today.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

So Good, 怎麼可以那麼好吃




Yesterday was Thaipusam, and all I did was playing Batman.

So, my girlfriend and I tease each other about being fat all the time, however, we never did anything about it. My mom told me to just maintain your weight now, and don't gain any more weight. Yet, she repeat the same thing every year even though I think I've gained some weight every year.
The point is, if someone wants to lose weight or get in shape, they'll just do it and telling everyone about it. So next time someone tells you that they are on a diet, it's probably because the food is not attractive enough, find their Kryptonite and they'll break..(ya I am sleepy)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

No Facebook Love 為什麼別人比較多讚?

開始上班的第一個星期三,說實在。。。新年假期的時候根本沒有畫到什麼東西。開工以後,所有空閒時間都沉溺於Batman Arkham City,所以最近漫畫好像有點難產 (遊戲,為什麼你要那麼好玩?)


最近也看到了一些類似的梗,但看我畫那麼用心的份上就在看一次吧。這篇基本上就是說很多Facebook上面的留言還是近況明明很沒有意義,卻一大堆留言和讚。好啦,其實一部分也是我自己的錯,我的Facebook怎麼那麼多無聊的朋友 (喔喔,我是在說別人,不是說你)。

我不是在抱怨沒人在我的post留言。。。嗯。。。我好像是在抱怨沒人留言。但沒關係啦,至少我媽有看 (應該還有在看吧?)。

I've bought a few games during Chinese New Year, which means all my free time will be distributed to games instate of....anything else. I have a feeling I will be getting lazy on the comic very soon.

Anyways, I still have you for you today. So ya...I've already seen similar comic, but think of all the time I wasted drawing it. Also, this point needs to be stressed over and over, so that my feed is not filled with meaningless status update, or maybe I should just get better friends. But...all those compliant didn't stop me from checking it everyday...and lets not forget all the other interesting status...and the interesting photos...and when you found out your high school classmate got married....and the birthday reminders.