Thursday, February 23, 2012


星期三快樂,一個禮拜又剩下了一半。雖然心裡有點想養狗,但也知道自己懶得照顧,所以只會去朋友家玩他們的狗。新年期間在我大阿姨家跟他家的黃金獵犬玩丟球玩了兩個小時,到他自己累了才停 (其實我是在等其他人起床跟化妝)。嗯。。。重點就是狗還是很有趣的寵物,只是我懶得照顧,可能哪天我沒事做的時候就會去養吧。

Dog (or other pets) do all sorts of things that don't make sense..or in other words, stupid things. However, they get away with it because are so cute...or in other words, stupid looking, just like human babies. I don't have a dog, so I just play with my friend's whenever I visit them (my aunt's dog in the comic). Playing with other people's pet is different though, its like playing game on other people's console, I can still have fun, but always not quite enough. But when I finish my game, its just a dust collector. So dogs? Maybe when I am older with a lot more free time.

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