Saturday, August 11, 2012

Can you Blow my What?!

耶!拖到星期五了。。。因為現在才畫完。我不知道台灣電台有沒有放 Flo Rida 唱的 Whistle 這首歌,但最近在馬來西亞的電台一直聽到。這首歌雖然歌詞是在講吹口哨,其實他是在隱喻口交。雖說是隱喻,但我認為歌詞寫的還蠻明顯的。。。


Is it just me or is Whistle by Flo Rida singing about blow job? If so, how come Malaysian government who sensors French kissing in cinema doesn't ban this song on the radio...and don't even let me start on International by Pitbull...because that is not even subtle.

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