Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Fly me to the moon

Happy Tuesday! 為了響應六月才剛上映的Man of Steel,我畫了Man of Steel電影的結局畫面(誤)。其實畫這個是因為逛YouTube時逛到Diana Krall翻唱的Fly me to the moon. (爵士樂的頻率還真適合我耳朵)

這首歌差不多有五十多年了但我第一次聽到是因為這首歌是"新世紀福音戰士"的片尾曲。而且,雖然每集的片尾曲都是Fly me to the moon,但是幾乎每集都是不同歌手跟版本。

再回到Man of Steel,雖然現在Superman好像不是最受歡迎的超級英雄(現在可能都是Batman還是Iron man吧)。但Supeerman應該還是最有名的超級英雄吧,你阿公阿嬤可能不知道鋼鐵人是誰,但應該知道超人吧。而且Action Comic #1(超人第一次出現的漫畫)也是目前拍賣價錢最高的漫畫(兩百多萬美金)。


I drew this not because I watched Man of Steel, but because I heard Fly me to the moon by Diana Krall. The first time I ever heard this song was actually at the end of Evangelion, this anime...go figure.

As for the Man of Steel movie, for an origin story, wish it has more of his Earth mom and dad. But I still enjoyed it nevertheless. 

Check below for the one of many many Fly me to the moon performance. Ah, jazz has is was of bouncing in my ear hole... 

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