Friday, February 28, 2014

The oven doesn't make sense

I did this while I was in Canada earlier this year before my brother's wedding. I didn't post it because I thought their face looked kind of weird...but oh well, here is it anyway. Tony wanted zombie so I was trying for a walking dead look...but it ended up a litte too happy...maybe that's a good thing.

這是在我弟結婚之前畫的,一直沒有放因為感覺臉好像怪怪的。本來是要畫成有點 Walking Dead 的感覺,但顏色跟表情怎麼有點溫馨的樣子。

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Thor and Cold Thor

This bad pun was from a while ago, while Thor: The Dark World was still in cinema. Just didn't get to post it until now.

英文教學時間,Cold sore (念起來有點像 cold thore) 的意思是皰疹,這邊的 cold 指的是感冒不是冷,雖然跟皰疹沒有直接關係,但因為感冒導致抵抗力變低然後造成容易被病毒感染,所以以前人才會把它跟感冒連結起來吧。

Saturday, February 15, 2014