上禮拜在看女人我最大的時候(我女朋友在看的) 又一位造型師在幫忙打扮約會的服裝。他說其實男生不喜歡女生穿 leggings,尤其是有圖案或花紋的。雖然他還是給那位來賓穿上星星花紋 leggings,但我那晚學到了兩件事。1. 我是那天才知道原來leggings是什麼東西,2. 不是只有我不喜歡 leggings。可能 leggings 穿起來很舒服,或是自己覺得好看就好。但如果妳是為了要吸引男生,那我會把 leggings 收在家裡。相對的短了一小節的 thigh high socks 就性感大加分 (ok。。。可能只是對我)。為什麼露一小截大腿會比露一大截性感。。。為什麼?
Wed Wed Wed. All guys love thigh high socks (by all guys I mean me). However I still couldn't figure out a logical reason behind it. Its not showing anything at all but it's not hiding anything either, its just...hot. Also, as you can see from my drawing, I am fine with sock or no sock but I am not so found on leggings. I know for a fact that it's not just me who doesn't like leggings, because I've heard a stylist mentioned that most guys don't find leggings particularly attractive either. So here is my sock tip for girls, never go higher then your thigh.
Nutella helped boost the hotness as well.
Original photo is from http://www.paulsphotolife.com/post/14276167769/http-www-paulsphotolife-com nice picture.
Also, I will be going to Japan tomorrow, so there will be no update for the next 2 week, sorry to let you guys down (to my 5 fans).
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