This week has been another busy week for me, I think you can tell by how I've shrink from the usual 3 column to just 2 (to be fair, I did a lot of redraw on the 2nd column).
So...porn. We guys watch it by ourselves, with friends, with girlfriends...not so much, with parents...never.
When we were young, we watch it with friends because it's something we are not allowed to do, and what young boys love to do is to break rules with friends (and see naked girls). But now that we are all grown up (more or less), we still get that adrenaline when we watch porn behind someone's back...ah, how I am easily satisfied.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
What is One Piece?
既然日本回來,就應該畫些在日本發生的事 (雖然這件事旅遊一點關係也沒有)。
我"相信"家都知道 One Piece 是什麼東西。雖然沒有特別關注日本動漫,但 One Piece 到處都看的到,讓我不認識他也難。
對於正常世界的人 One Piece 是動漫。但對另一個世界的人來說 One Piece 是一件式的衣服或是洋裝。。。
*(對於不知道 One Piece 的,以下是我所知道的。他是一部日本的連載漫畫,從1997就開始了。幾年後也推出了動畫版。。。到現在還沒結束的樣子。。。故事大概是說男主角成為海賊要去找傳說中的寶藏 "One Piece",然後現在尋了10多年還沒找到。因為我也只看過四五集動畫,所以也不知道中間都在做什麼。有興趣的應該知道得都比我多,沒興趣的我不知道你怎麼還有耐心讀下去。ps. 會不會最後寶藏就是一件洋裝?)
Happy worn out Wednesday, I've been back from Japan for a week now, so its time to get back in the game...of drawing stuff. Speaking of drawing stuff, everyone seems to be addicted to Draw Something which has become the new thing to play by yourself while hanging out with other people.
Anyways back from Japan, thanks to Jim and Ikuko for hosting us, and nice seeing you too Henry. And thanks Henry for letting your alter ego appear in my comic without your permission.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
not the hotness 莫名性感的襪子
上禮拜在看女人我最大的時候(我女朋友在看的) 又一位造型師在幫忙打扮約會的服裝。他說其實男生不喜歡女生穿 leggings,尤其是有圖案或花紋的。雖然他還是給那位來賓穿上星星花紋 leggings,但我那晚學到了兩件事。1. 我是那天才知道原來leggings是什麼東西,2. 不是只有我不喜歡 leggings。可能 leggings 穿起來很舒服,或是自己覺得好看就好。但如果妳是為了要吸引男生,那我會把 leggings 收在家裡。相對的短了一小節的 thigh high socks 就性感大加分 (ok。。。可能只是對我)。為什麼露一小截大腿會比露一大截性感。。。為什麼?
Wed Wed Wed. All guys love thigh high socks (by all guys I mean me). However I still couldn't figure out a logical reason behind it. Its not showing anything at all but it's not hiding anything either, its just...hot. Also, as you can see from my drawing, I am fine with sock or no sock but I am not so found on leggings. I know for a fact that it's not just me who doesn't like leggings, because I've heard a stylist mentioned that most guys don't find leggings particularly attractive either. So here is my sock tip for girls, never go higher then your thigh.
Nutella helped boost the hotness as well.
Original photo is from http://www.paulsphotolife.com/post/14276167769/http-www-paulsphotolife-com nice picture.
Also, I will be going to Japan tomorrow, so there will be no update for the next 2 week, sorry to let you guys down (to my 5 fans).
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