Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Link + Red Bull = hyperlink

Bad pun Tuesday, Link + Red Bull = hyperlink. Hopefully enough of you play video games to know what is Legend of Zelda who Link is.

英文單字教學: "薩爾達傳說"是一個有二十多年歷史的遊戲,遊戲的主角就是林克(Link)。
Link 也是連接或是網頁連結的意思 ,而Hyper的意思就是亢奮或是精力過剩。 
但兩個字連起來 "Hyperlink" 就是超連結的意思。 
超連結就是 這個

Friday, October 25, 2013

首爾 2013 Day 2


Friday, October 18, 2013

Bad Pun Friday 人蔘就是要不停的戰鬥


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Amy + Carlo Pre Wedding Video 孟萱+卡羅 結婚小影片

A sort growing up video I made for my cousin to play on her wedding.

Thanks to Pennie for patiently helping me during shooting. Also thanks to Fergus and Pai for scanning the old photos. 

拍攝都是由iPhone的app, OSnap來完成. 剪輯則是由Power Director,但其實 Windows Movie Maker 也可以達到差不多的效果。
The shooting is done on iPhone using the app OSnap, and later edited by Power Director, but Windows Movie Maker should be enough for this video.

Congratulations to Amy and Carlo.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

首爾 Seoul 2013 Day 1

首爾國際文化觀光中心; 韓式烤肉 (姜虎東); 南山公園 (Namsan Park); 首爾塔 (N Seoul Tower); 石鍋拌飯 (明洞全州中央會館).


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Pixel Splinter Cell

Splinter Cell has always been one of my favorite video game series. Not strong in story, but the feeling of hiding in the shadow before snapping someone's neck is irresistible.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Amy + Carlo Pre Wedding Video Teaser

A teaser for the small video I made for my cousin Amy and her husband Carlo.
The full video will be shown at their dinner in Tawain, and I will it afterward.
The video is shot with my iPhone using the app OSnap!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Happy Belated Mid Autumn Festival 遲來的中秋節快樂

Inspired by Fat Princess.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Press B for Birthday


會畫人像是因為在首爾的時候在創意市集看到很多畫人像的攤位。每個攤位都很有個人的風格,到現在還是很佩服。不過好像沒看過有人用 Pixel Art 的風格幫別人畫人像。

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Wolverine's 68 year plan

The reason why Wolverine saved Yashida from the atomic bomb all those years ago.
只看過金鋼狼 : 武士之戰的才懂。(金鋼狼有畫的那麼不像嗎?)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Happy Pixel Art Wednesday. Pixel art 是由早期電腦的點陣圖延演變出來的藝術創作風格。Kick-Ass 2 快要在這邊上映了,我蠻喜歡第一集的所以有點期待 (雖然影評不是很好)。

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Happy bad pun Wednesday.
And no...I have no excuse for this.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Fathers day 如何稱呼文藝青年的爸爸?


Ok,重點是父親節。應該是要感謝父親的照顧和支持之類的,但我昨天才說人的基因就已經設定好要照顧下一代,所以我們多年來被照顧應該也大自然的原理吧? 但是有這樣的言論會應該會造成公憤,所以還是感謝一下所有盡職的爸爸,然後也要感謝自己的爸爸到現在還在間接性的養我。

PS. 給看不懂我冷笑話的人: 文藝青年的爸爸是文藝父親 (諧音: 文藝復興)。圖是仿義大利文藝復興大師達文西關於人體比例的手稿。

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What is cute? 什麼是可愛?




Cuteness is basically features of youth. It's not limited to appearance such as googly eyes and lollipop heads, but behaviour as well. That's why we are attracted to childish or clumsy behaviour I guess.

Our DNA programs us to take care of our kids, therefore we are naturally attracted and want to protect children. Since we are attracted to those "cute" features, those preference persist even if the subject is not children. Especially for the gender that breeds, cute things are irresistible to them. 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Pacific Rim rules of engagement 環太平洋戰鬥法則


Translation for those who don't read Chinese.

Panel 1: If he has a giant at his disposal, why not just use it at the beginning?

Panel 2: Haven't you watched any giant robot fight? Their ultimate move can only be used at the last second (before a 30 second intro)

This is the reason why it dragged a cruise liner through the city just hit the monster with it. Also, using a cruise liner as sword is pretty awesome.

This comic still took longer then I expected...but when I try to finish the drawing quickly I find that I usually do a really bad job. Well, worse then what is it now. And I've done this strip in Chinese because I don't think there are that many English only readers and also I am lazy.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Game Game 遊戲遊戲 (Part 2)

星期三快樂! 今天放後半段的遊戲,應該有比上次難一點。

The second half of my game game. I don't think I can come up with another one without being ridiculous, so that's it for now. Thanks for playing.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

遊戲遊戲 Game Game (Part 1)

星期四快樂! 因為我對遊戲很熱衷,所以我常畫一些跟遊戲有關的東西。


Games means video games to most people (mainly me), but it can mean different things to different people and used in different ways. I searched the word "game" in wiki dictionary and the origin is usually related to joy, fun, pleasure...etc. So I guess you can say a lot of thing are games.

This Game game I made will have the player guess the phrase that contains the word "game" using my wonderful illustration as clues.

First one to guess them all correctly will get a prize. Also...this is not suppose to be hard so I don't have any real prize.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

We are not that different after all


You really can't help it when it's 75% off and you can just spent $5 more to get the whole collection of 10 games.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Fly me to the moon

Happy Tuesday! 為了響應六月才剛上映的Man of Steel,我畫了Man of Steel電影的結局畫面(誤)。其實畫這個是因為逛YouTube時逛到Diana Krall翻唱的Fly me to the moon. (爵士樂的頻率還真適合我耳朵)

這首歌差不多有五十多年了但我第一次聽到是因為這首歌是"新世紀福音戰士"的片尾曲。而且,雖然每集的片尾曲都是Fly me to the moon,但是幾乎每集都是不同歌手跟版本。

再回到Man of Steel,雖然現在Superman好像不是最受歡迎的超級英雄(現在可能都是Batman還是Iron man吧)。但Supeerman應該還是最有名的超級英雄吧,你阿公阿嬤可能不知道鋼鐵人是誰,但應該知道超人吧。而且Action Comic #1(超人第一次出現的漫畫)也是目前拍賣價錢最高的漫畫(兩百多萬美金)。


I drew this not because I watched Man of Steel, but because I heard Fly me to the moon by Diana Krall. The first time I ever heard this song was actually at the end of Evangelion, this anime...go figure.

As for the Man of Steel movie, for an origin story, wish it has more of his Earth mom and dad. But I still enjoyed it nevertheless. 

Check below for the one of many many Fly me to the moon performance. Ah, jazz has is was of bouncing in my ear hole... 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Arya + the Hound

之前聽到大家討論 Game of Thrones 的時候並沒有特別去注意。一直到兩三個月前才開始看,
結果真的還有點超好看的。 Game of Thrones 裡面有很多角色,但比較特別的是本來以為是主軸角色可能過一陣子就死掉了,然後配角又突然變主角,好人變壞人,壞人變好人。。。嗯,這不是跟台灣連戲劇一樣嗎?

我畫的我目前最愛的雙人組 Arya and the Hound.

Arya and the Hound. Ya, the dynamic between those two characters is pretty awesome. Hopefully the show will continue to be awesome seasons to come.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Breaking Bad x Dexter's Laboratory

For those who enjoyed both Breaking Bad and Dexter's Laboratory.
I haven't drawn anything for a while, it's mainly due to drawing on the phone hurts my finger, I draw too slow, and most importantly, laziness.

No, I am not going back to putting out something once a week, but I will at least try to do more and maybe simpler stuff.

最近才追完 Breaking Bad (絕命毒師) 的美劇所以跟著畫一張相關的圖。
小時候(高中)我跟我弟最喜歡的卡通之一就是 Dexter's Laboratory (德克斯特的實驗室), 卡通頻道應該還有在播。
我把卡通的角色放進影集裡,卡通裡面的姊姊總是把弟弟的實驗室砸毀,所以我把 Breaking Bad 改成 Breaking Lab (破壞實驗室)。然後剛好La (鑭) 也是一個真的元素,是不是太剛好了呢?! (自我滿足中)

