Friday, April 27, 2012

Its the Fla...wait a minute

快樂。。。星期四? 今天回家以後網路自己活起來了所以圖也要跟上。為了趕上復仇者電影的熱潮,我打算每天放一個人,直到電影上映。。。喔,已經上映了? 應該還是會放,只是可能電影都上HBO了我還沒放完。
因為復仇者裡面好像都沒有亞洲的隊員(除了黑寡婦在某些漫畫好像是),所以我就想到把每個人改成亞洲版的英雄。為什麼用中國而不是台灣呢? 因為台灣顏色跟美國一樣,所以我覺得太無趣。但是改成中國顏色以後就長的跟閃電俠一樣。。。

As usual, I will try to draw something that's theme to whats hot right now. So since they didn't cast any Asian as hero for the movie, I have to do it myself and draw Asian version of them. Except Captain America with red and yellow color outfit looks totally like The Flash... (and I hope you get the assembly joke)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


在兩天就週末了快樂! 最近實在沒什麼時間,玩遊戲的時間都犧牲掉了,所以漫畫也是畫得有點勉強。當然,更懶得寫一些什麼值得省思的註解。基本上就是。。。小朋友,不要像我一樣,要有禮貌,除非那個人是壞人。

Happy Wednesday. Busy and lazy usual. So kids, be polite...unless they are bad people. Have I ever had a writing structure?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Pennie vs Sentinel

生日快樂星期天。沒送妳什麼所以至少畫個圖。本來是要畫之前那個"我可能部會愛你"程又青30歲生日那天被時間怪物追的夢境。但覺得被怪物追好像不是很正面,所以就想改成面對怪物,後來又改成跟怪物打鬥。。。最後不知道為什麼變成金鋼狼跟 Sentinel 廝殺的經典漫畫封面 (X-Men #178)。

金鋼狼代表著妳直率的個性和永遠年輕的體質。。。Ok, 其實只是因為那個封面很帥而已。不過還是真的祝妳生日快樂和永遠年輕,耶!

Happy birthday Sunday, so the original drawing is a Wolverine vs Sentinel cover from X-Men issue #178 by Larroca, love the contrast and highlights.

So I drew my own version with my girlfriend's comic alter ego for her birthday (I kept the claw in there because I like it). Of course, she is really nice, nothing like Wolverine, except maybe the hairy part...Happy Birthday Pennie!

Link to original cover:

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Zombie Jesus Day 殭屍耶穌節

放假的星期三快樂。難得有在星期三的假期,只是在家裡休息,不過也好,出去玩的話明天會更累。今天的漫畫 (雖然這兩個禮拜的有點稱不上漫畫) 可能會有些。。。爭議。但認識我的人應該都知道我沒惡意,只是好玩而已。



Happy earthquake Wednesday everyone.  So I guess every felt the earthquake in my area this afternoon, but as far as I know, nothing serious happened, except the mall kicked everyone out.

So back to the comic, happy late Easter every one, or as some people calls it, Zombie Jesus Day. To my friends and family who are offended by Zombie Jesus, you know I mean no disrespect or anything, plus, look how adorable that Zombie Jesus is.

Speaking of zombies, last year Wall Street has estimated the economical contribution of zombie to be over 5 billions dollars...looks like we are infected even before the zombie apocalypse.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

I don't always draw comic

晚回家星期三。今天的漫畫大概應該很少人懂,但我也沒什麼梗了,所以只好硬用。這也是一個網路流行的梗 (meme) (如果有在 follow 的,應該記得去年聖誕節期間我也畫了一個有關 meme 的圖)。

依照慣例我會解說一下梗的由來。圖片裡原本是一位老演員 Jonathan Goldsmith,他有個啤酒廣告台詞就是說,"我不常喝啤酒。但當我喝的時候,我選擇 Dos Equis." 之後網路上就開始流行把這句台詞改成各式各樣好笑的句子。像是 "我不常做功課。但當我做的時候,我會等到最後一分鐘。"

我只是把臉改成史恩康納萊然後台詞改成 "我不常教人煮菜,但當我教的時候,它們叫我烹飪教授"。。。Culinary (烹飪) 是 Connery (康納萊) 的諧音,所以用中文講一點意思都沒有。。。不過你還是謝謝你讀完我無聊的解說。

"I don't always draw comic. But when I do, its Wednesday"
Every Wednesday is half way till Friday, and I wish Friday can come sooner next time. For those who is not familiar with "The Most Interesting Man in the World," you can refer to the link below. For those who still don't get the joke, the face I drew is suppose to be Sean Connery, and if you still don't get it, its ok, its not that funny. At least you can enjoy the Sean Connery face I drew.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Happy Fools of April 四月的愚人們

星期天快樂。今天不是星期三,不過因為我弟生日所以來個特別 Post,但星期三的 post 好像有點難產 (有一半原因是玩太多Draw Something)。
Happy April Fools' Tony, I know you'll get it. I have nothing to offer but this drawing, and hope you get a smartphone as present.