Sunday, April 15, 2012

Pennie vs Sentinel

生日快樂星期天。沒送妳什麼所以至少畫個圖。本來是要畫之前那個"我可能部會愛你"程又青30歲生日那天被時間怪物追的夢境。但覺得被怪物追好像不是很正面,所以就想改成面對怪物,後來又改成跟怪物打鬥。。。最後不知道為什麼變成金鋼狼跟 Sentinel 廝殺的經典漫畫封面 (X-Men #178)。

金鋼狼代表著妳直率的個性和永遠年輕的體質。。。Ok, 其實只是因為那個封面很帥而已。不過還是真的祝妳生日快樂和永遠年輕,耶!

Happy birthday Sunday, so the original drawing is a Wolverine vs Sentinel cover from X-Men issue #178 by Larroca, love the contrast and highlights.

So I drew my own version with my girlfriend's comic alter ego for her birthday (I kept the claw in there because I like it). Of course, she is really nice, nothing like Wolverine, except maybe the hairy part...Happy Birthday Pennie!

Link to original cover:

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