Friday, April 27, 2012

Its the Fla...wait a minute

快樂。。。星期四? 今天回家以後網路自己活起來了所以圖也要跟上。為了趕上復仇者電影的熱潮,我打算每天放一個人,直到電影上映。。。喔,已經上映了? 應該還是會放,只是可能電影都上HBO了我還沒放完。
因為復仇者裡面好像都沒有亞洲的隊員(除了黑寡婦在某些漫畫好像是),所以我就想到把每個人改成亞洲版的英雄。為什麼用中國而不是台灣呢? 因為台灣顏色跟美國一樣,所以我覺得太無趣。但是改成中國顏色以後就長的跟閃電俠一樣。。。

As usual, I will try to draw something that's theme to whats hot right now. So since they didn't cast any Asian as hero for the movie, I have to do it myself and draw Asian version of them. Except Captain America with red and yellow color outfit looks totally like The Flash... (and I hope you get the assembly joke)

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