Thursday, October 18, 2012

Now, BITE! 咬!


I am back from the break so does my Happy Wednesday whats up with women who likes to bite?

Note: This actually took place couple of month ago when my friend Jim visited me. Except the second and third part only happened in my head....

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Mom 媽媽生日快樂

今天是媽媽的生日,所以祝媽媽生日快樂。我畫的不是變態女童,是艾莉絲夢遊仙境的艾莉絲。只是這是變態遊戲 "American McGee's Alice" 版本的艾莉絲。。。

嗯,其實也是變態女童。但畫這個主要原因是因為我媽英文名叫做 Alice,還有因為我弟屬兔,所以絕對跟變態沒有關係。。。還有那個紅紅的不是血,是草莓醬啦。媽媽生日快樂啊,下禮拜再去找妳。

It's my mom's birthday and I don't have any idea so I drew American McGee's Alice because her name is Alice. For those who are wondering what is American McGee's Alice. It's sort of a cult hit PC game back in 2000. It tells the story of Alice after Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass. She has become kind of insane and slide card guards in half with her kitchen knife...

Anyway, Happy Birthday Mom!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Google 股溝

最近因為一直玩遊戲所以沒時間畫東西。因為平常都是放英文的漫畫,也懶得特別翻譯成中文。所以今天就特別放個看懂中文才看得懂得圖。另外就是。。。股溝很久以前就發明的名詞嗎? 還是因為低腰褲的流行才發明的?

Ya...I've been lazy to it has been delayed till Saturday and reduced to once a week. For those don't understand Chinese, butt crack in Chinese is 股溝 (gǔgōu) which sound like google... 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Can you Blow my What?!

耶!拖到星期五了。。。因為現在才畫完。我不知道台灣電台有沒有放 Flo Rida 唱的 Whistle 這首歌,但最近在馬來西亞的電台一直聽到。這首歌雖然歌詞是在講吹口哨,其實他是在隱喻口交。雖說是隱喻,但我認為歌詞寫的還蠻明顯的。。。


Is it just me or is Whistle by Flo Rida singing about blow job? If so, how come Malaysian government who sensors French kissing in cinema doesn't ban this song on the radio...and don't even let me start on International by Pitbull...because that is not even subtle.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


跟著上禮拜上映的蝙蝠俠熱潮,一定要來個蝙蝠俠的漫畫。蝙蝠俠戴上面罩以後聲音好像都會變低,尤其是 Christopher Nolan 這三部,聲音更是燒聲的很嚴重。當蝙蝠俠已經夠累了,還要變聲不是更累嗎?

Happy Wednesday. I've been lazy...I mean "busy" recently, which is why I've started to update every 2 week instated of every week.

So what did we learn from The Dark Knight Rises?
Always be yourself.
Unless you can be Batman.
Then always be Batman.
Because Batman is awesome.
And why is Batman awesome?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Lego Talks 樂高人的對話

快樂星期三。又連續兩個禮拜沒有畫了。一方面沒時間,另一方面沒有什麼 idea 。很多人小時候都有玩過樂高,甚至有些最近都還在玩 (咳,Amy)。但你們還記得那些小樂高人有沒有對話嗎?

從2005年開始,Traveler's Tales 開始推出樂高的遊戲。從星際大戰,印地安那瓊斯,加勒比海盜,哈利波特等,幾乎每年都有兩三個遊戲推出。雖然都是電影的故事和劇情,但那些樂高版本的角色卻一句對話也沒有,只有吱吱嗚嗚的聲音。



Happy Wednesday! I've been busy again so, sorry for not updating regularly.

For Those of you who plays video games, you must known about Traveler's Tales and their lines of Lego games. Despite releasing one after another yearly, and the kiddish theme, they've all been quite good. A lot of it comes from the charm of Lego, which is universally loved by children and adult.

Since their first Lego game, "Lego Star Wars." The Legos themselves does not talk at all. Part of it might be the development budget, another part might be wanting to maintain the charm of the Lego as toys and not characters.

However the most resent release of Lego Batman 2, is first game they had the Legos talk. I heard the reason for this is from the result of a survey. The survey shows that adults prefer Lego stays silent while kids thought Legos have been talking the whole time.

I use to thought Legos shouldn't talk as well, but thinking back to when I was a kid playing with my Legos, they do talk, and they all have different personalities and act out amazing stories...(for a kid). I sill have most of my Legos, but if only I can have as much fun as I was playing with Lego as a kid...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bruce Fury 李小門

快樂星期三!! 嗯,上個禮拜是懶到一個程度 (給父母的版本: 上個禮拜是累到一個程度)。加上智齒想跑出來的牙痛加持,根本是沒有心情畫什麼東西。既然畫畫是為了讓自己開心,沒有心情當然就不畫了。今天畫的是亞洲復仇者的最後一位 Bruce Fury. 很明顯指是李小龍穿上長板外套而以。雖然說 Nick Fury 的招牌是眼罩但我給他眼罩的話好像就更看不出來我畫的是李小龍了,所以就只是換成了太陽眼鏡。還有就是李小龍好像跟 Nick Fury 沒什麼關係但因為他的衣服很好畫所以就選了他。

Wednesday! I've been lazy and busy last week, hence no update and no notice. I know Bruce Lee has nothing to do with Nick Fury but I am out of idea, and out of energy. So this marks then end of my Asianvangers collection. Back to regular comic next week...hopefully.

(Bruce Lee = 李小龍,Fist of Fury = 精武門,Bruce of Fury = 李小門)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Four Eyes 田雞眼


Its E3 week. With the internet flooded with new video games stuff, I can forgive myself for being late on the update. Its also appropriate for me to do the Asian Hawkeye this during E3 week, because bow and arrow seems to be the trend for many upcoming new games. Assassins Creed 3, Tomb Raider, Far Cry 3 and Crysis 3 all has bow as their new weapon. For those who don't care about games, this is Hawkeye is suppose to be an Asian nerd, because that is the mustache we rock by not shaving for a year.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Red Mistress 紅狸精

又是星期四? 是的,因為昨天回到家以後就一覺睡到天亮。因天的亞洲復仇者應該是最普通的吧。。。本來的想法是把黑寡婦畫成類似韓國女子團體之類的,結果畫出來以後好像比較像情婦之類的,但是我也懶的去改了。

I fell asleep right after I came home last night... that's why the post is late. But here your go, Asian Black Widow, the Red Mistress! Finally more boobs in my drawings. And yes, I did intentionally made the dress shorter and the boos larger. But its a cute cartoon style so...kinna weird. And yes, it did turn out to be kind of generic...but at least its done alright?

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I have to WULK 勞克


順道一提,本來一直以為我的手機螢幕被撞一個凹洞,最近換保護貼的時候發現原只傷到保護貼...epic win

Hulk to Wulk...ya, not much creativity there, and its not even Asian. But I am tired of work and need sleep. All the salary man reading this, have a great night.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Chor 雷神口爾


Happy Wednesday again. Obviously the name Chor came from Thor, but what does it mean? The answer is  nothing, I named it Chor simply because I can't think of a name that is similar to Thor and have relation to what I am drawing.
For those who don't know, the Chinese thunder god is called Lei Kung and holds a hammer and mace that punishes evildoers...the difference is...he is not that easy on the eyes. Japanese also have their thunder god named Raiden who carries drums on his back who likes to participate in Mortal Combat and Metal Gear.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

母親節快樂 Happy Mother's Day


不過我個人認為生這些異形小孩出來以後年復一年的折磨應該比整段生產的過程還痛苦吧? 所以如果你年紀越大應該要對母親越好才對。。。不過既然小孩那麼折磨為什麼還要生?所以另一個角度看母親們其實也算是自找的 。(以上發言絕對不是本人對自己母親看法)

Happy Mothers Day to all the moms that are reading this...which might only be my mom. So, happy mothers day MOM!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Iron Chef


Just watched the Avengers on labor day, which means I will continue to draw my "Asiangers", which looks better then regular comics anyway, and I don't have to fail at writing a punch line. This week, the IRON CHEF...and now I am going to bed. Come to think of it, I've been sleeping for 4 to 5 hour during weekdays for the past few weeks because I've been leaving work so late...nice job at being efficient.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Its the Fla...wait a minute

快樂。。。星期四? 今天回家以後網路自己活起來了所以圖也要跟上。為了趕上復仇者電影的熱潮,我打算每天放一個人,直到電影上映。。。喔,已經上映了? 應該還是會放,只是可能電影都上HBO了我還沒放完。
因為復仇者裡面好像都沒有亞洲的隊員(除了黑寡婦在某些漫畫好像是),所以我就想到把每個人改成亞洲版的英雄。為什麼用中國而不是台灣呢? 因為台灣顏色跟美國一樣,所以我覺得太無趣。但是改成中國顏色以後就長的跟閃電俠一樣。。。

As usual, I will try to draw something that's theme to whats hot right now. So since they didn't cast any Asian as hero for the movie, I have to do it myself and draw Asian version of them. Except Captain America with red and yellow color outfit looks totally like The Flash... (and I hope you get the assembly joke)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


在兩天就週末了快樂! 最近實在沒什麼時間,玩遊戲的時間都犧牲掉了,所以漫畫也是畫得有點勉強。當然,更懶得寫一些什麼值得省思的註解。基本上就是。。。小朋友,不要像我一樣,要有禮貌,除非那個人是壞人。

Happy Wednesday. Busy and lazy usual. So kids, be polite...unless they are bad people. Have I ever had a writing structure?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Pennie vs Sentinel

生日快樂星期天。沒送妳什麼所以至少畫個圖。本來是要畫之前那個"我可能部會愛你"程又青30歲生日那天被時間怪物追的夢境。但覺得被怪物追好像不是很正面,所以就想改成面對怪物,後來又改成跟怪物打鬥。。。最後不知道為什麼變成金鋼狼跟 Sentinel 廝殺的經典漫畫封面 (X-Men #178)。

金鋼狼代表著妳直率的個性和永遠年輕的體質。。。Ok, 其實只是因為那個封面很帥而已。不過還是真的祝妳生日快樂和永遠年輕,耶!

Happy birthday Sunday, so the original drawing is a Wolverine vs Sentinel cover from X-Men issue #178 by Larroca, love the contrast and highlights.

So I drew my own version with my girlfriend's comic alter ego for her birthday (I kept the claw in there because I like it). Of course, she is really nice, nothing like Wolverine, except maybe the hairy part...Happy Birthday Pennie!

Link to original cover:

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Zombie Jesus Day 殭屍耶穌節

放假的星期三快樂。難得有在星期三的假期,只是在家裡休息,不過也好,出去玩的話明天會更累。今天的漫畫 (雖然這兩個禮拜的有點稱不上漫畫) 可能會有些。。。爭議。但認識我的人應該都知道我沒惡意,只是好玩而已。



Happy earthquake Wednesday everyone.  So I guess every felt the earthquake in my area this afternoon, but as far as I know, nothing serious happened, except the mall kicked everyone out.

So back to the comic, happy late Easter every one, or as some people calls it, Zombie Jesus Day. To my friends and family who are offended by Zombie Jesus, you know I mean no disrespect or anything, plus, look how adorable that Zombie Jesus is.

Speaking of zombies, last year Wall Street has estimated the economical contribution of zombie to be over 5 billions dollars...looks like we are infected even before the zombie apocalypse.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

I don't always draw comic

晚回家星期三。今天的漫畫大概應該很少人懂,但我也沒什麼梗了,所以只好硬用。這也是一個網路流行的梗 (meme) (如果有在 follow 的,應該記得去年聖誕節期間我也畫了一個有關 meme 的圖)。

依照慣例我會解說一下梗的由來。圖片裡原本是一位老演員 Jonathan Goldsmith,他有個啤酒廣告台詞就是說,"我不常喝啤酒。但當我喝的時候,我選擇 Dos Equis." 之後網路上就開始流行把這句台詞改成各式各樣好笑的句子。像是 "我不常做功課。但當我做的時候,我會等到最後一分鐘。"

我只是把臉改成史恩康納萊然後台詞改成 "我不常教人煮菜,但當我教的時候,它們叫我烹飪教授"。。。Culinary (烹飪) 是 Connery (康納萊) 的諧音,所以用中文講一點意思都沒有。。。不過你還是謝謝你讀完我無聊的解說。

"I don't always draw comic. But when I do, its Wednesday"
Every Wednesday is half way till Friday, and I wish Friday can come sooner next time. For those who is not familiar with "The Most Interesting Man in the World," you can refer to the link below. For those who still don't get the joke, the face I drew is suppose to be Sean Connery, and if you still don't get it, its ok, its not that funny. At least you can enjoy the Sean Connery face I drew.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Happy Fools of April 四月的愚人們

星期天快樂。今天不是星期三,不過因為我弟生日所以來個特別 Post,但星期三的 post 好像有點難產 (有一半原因是玩太多Draw Something)。
Happy April Fools' Tony, I know you'll get it. I have nothing to offer but this drawing, and hope you get a smartphone as present.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Porn, porn never changes 不變的A片


This week has been another busy week for me, I think you can tell by how I've shrink from the usual 3 column to just 2 (to be fair, I did a lot of redraw on the 2nd column). We guys watch it by ourselves, with friends, with girlfriends...not so much, with parents...never.
When we were young, we watch it with friends because it's something we are not allowed to do, and what young boys love to do is to break rules with friends (and see naked girls). But now that we are all grown up (more or less), we still get that adrenaline when we watch porn behind someone's back...ah, how I am easily satisfied.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What is One Piece?


既然日本回來,就應該畫些在日本發生的事 (雖然這件事旅遊一點關係也沒有)。
我"相信"家都知道 One Piece 是什麼東西。雖然沒有特別關注日本動漫,但 One Piece 到處都看的到,讓我不認識他也難。
對於正常世界的人 One Piece 是動漫。但對另一個世界的人來說 One Piece 是一件式的衣服或是洋裝。。。


*(對於不知道 One Piece 的,以下是我所知道的。他是一部日本的連載漫畫,從1997就開始了。幾年後也推出了動畫版。。。到現在還沒結束的樣子。。。故事大概是說男主角成為海賊要去找傳說中的寶藏 "One Piece",然後現在尋了10多年還沒找到。因為我也只看過四五集動畫,所以也不知道中間都在做什麼。有興趣的應該知道得都比我多,沒興趣的我不知道你怎麼還有耐心讀下去。ps. 會不會最後寶藏就是一件洋裝?)

Happy worn out Wednesday, I've been back from Japan for a week now, so its time to get back in the game...of drawing stuff. Speaking of drawing stuff, everyone seems to be addicted to Draw Something which has become the new thing to play by yourself while hanging out with other people.

Anyways back from Japan, thanks to Jim and Ikuko for hosting us, and nice seeing you too Henry. And thanks Henry for letting your alter ego appear in my comic without your permission.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

not the hotness 莫名性感的襪子

上禮拜在看女人我最大的時候(我女朋友在看的) 又一位造型師在幫忙打扮約會的服裝。他說其實男生不喜歡女生穿 leggings,尤其是有圖案或花紋的。雖然他還是給那位來賓穿上星星花紋 leggings,但我那晚學到了兩件事。1. 我是那天才知道原來leggings是什麼東西,2. 不是只有我不喜歡 leggings。可能 leggings 穿起來很舒服,或是自己覺得好看就好。但如果妳是為了要吸引男生,那我會把 leggings 收在家裡。相對的短了一小節的 thigh high socks 就性感大加分 (ok。。。可能只是對我)。為什麼露一小截大腿會比露一大截性感。。。為什麼?


Wed Wed Wed. All guys love thigh high socks (by all guys I mean me). However I still couldn't figure out a logical reason behind it. Its not showing anything at all but it's not hiding anything either, its Also, as you can see from my drawing, I am fine with sock or no sock but I am not so found on leggings. I know for a fact that it's not just me who doesn't like leggings, because I've heard a stylist mentioned that most guys don't find leggings particularly attractive either. So here is my sock tip for girls, never go higher then your thigh.

Nutella helped boost the hotness as well.

Original photo is from  nice picture.

Also, I will be going to Japan tomorrow, so there will be no update for the next 2 week, sorry to let you guys down (to my 5 fans).

Thursday, February 23, 2012


星期三快樂,一個禮拜又剩下了一半。雖然心裡有點想養狗,但也知道自己懶得照顧,所以只會去朋友家玩他們的狗。新年期間在我大阿姨家跟他家的黃金獵犬玩丟球玩了兩個小時,到他自己累了才停 (其實我是在等其他人起床跟化妝)。嗯。。。重點就是狗還是很有趣的寵物,只是我懶得照顧,可能哪天我沒事做的時候就會去養吧。

Dog (or other pets) do all sorts of things that don't make sense..or in other words, stupid things. However, they get away with it because are so cute...or in other words, stupid looking, just like human babies. I don't have a dog, so I just play with my friend's whenever I visit them (my aunt's dog in the comic). Playing with other people's pet is different though, its like playing game on other people's console, I can still have fun, but always not quite enough. But when I finish my game, its just a dust collector. So dogs? Maybe when I am older with a lot more free time.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine vs. Zombie

情人節跟 Resident Evil 裡面的 Jill Valentine 有密切的關係,因為情人節本來是用來慶祝他們家族來到 Raccoon City 的節日 (純屬虛構)。我聽說是 Hallmark 卡片公司想出來為了要賣卡片的節日。。。但其實好像也不是,至少 Wikipedia 說不是。


Ya, Valentine's Day, another commercialized holiday where guys try to impress girls with flowers and other stuff. But today, I entertain all of you with Jill Valentine (from Resident Evil) sitting suggestively on a zombie (from Plants vs. Zombie) and a big gun. Ya its not the best thing to look at (if you are a girl), but at least it's something other then picture of flowers and chocolate that flooded the Facebook today.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

So Good, 怎麼可以那麼好吃




Yesterday was Thaipusam, and all I did was playing Batman.

So, my girlfriend and I tease each other about being fat all the time, however, we never did anything about it. My mom told me to just maintain your weight now, and don't gain any more weight. Yet, she repeat the same thing every year even though I think I've gained some weight every year.
The point is, if someone wants to lose weight or get in shape, they'll just do it and telling everyone about it. So next time someone tells you that they are on a diet, it's probably because the food is not attractive enough, find their Kryptonite and they'll break..(ya I am sleepy)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

No Facebook Love 為什麼別人比較多讚?

開始上班的第一個星期三,說實在。。。新年假期的時候根本沒有畫到什麼東西。開工以後,所有空閒時間都沉溺於Batman Arkham City,所以最近漫畫好像有點難產 (遊戲,為什麼你要那麼好玩?)


最近也看到了一些類似的梗,但看我畫那麼用心的份上就在看一次吧。這篇基本上就是說很多Facebook上面的留言還是近況明明很沒有意義,卻一大堆留言和讚。好啦,其實一部分也是我自己的錯,我的Facebook怎麼那麼多無聊的朋友 (喔喔,我是在說別人,不是說你)。

我不是在抱怨沒人在我的post留言。。。嗯。。。我好像是在抱怨沒人留言。但沒關係啦,至少我媽有看 (應該還有在看吧?)。

I've bought a few games during Chinese New Year, which means all my free time will be distributed to games instate of....anything else. I have a feeling I will be getting lazy on the comic very soon.

Anyways, I still have you for you today. So ya...I've already seen similar comic, but think of all the time I wasted drawing it. Also, this point needs to be stressed over and over, so that my feed is not filled with meaningless status update, or maybe I should just get better friends. But...all those compliant didn't stop me from checking it everyday...and lets not forget all the other interesting status...and the interesting photos...and when you found out your high school classmate got married....and the birthday reminders.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Happy Dragon New Year! 新年快樂!


內行的人就會知道靈感來自Skyrim. 這遊戲在國外很受歡迎我知道,這幾天我在台灣問每家店都賣到缺貨是什麼回事?

如果你是外行的人,那隻紅色的就是龍 (因為龍年),然後前面那個就是英雄拿著鞭炮(因為過年),然後就祝大家新年快樂 (因為快樂最重要)。

所以祝大家新的一年都快樂地過,該畢業的畢業,該賺錢的賺錢,該結婚的結婚,該生小孩的生小孩,該退休的退休 (因為這幾天大家都這樣說)。

Sorry for the late update again, but you know, it's a busy time for Chinese during Chinese New Year. So I thought of using Skyrim because it's the year of the dragon, and I've been trying to find this game for the past week or so.

Oh and if you thought to yourself what a great looking dragon that is, I used ghostfire's Skyrim dragon as my reference, he/she did a much better work then I did. (

Anyways, wish all of you a Happy Chinese New Year, and...happy all year as well.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sleep Driving 睡馬路



A little delayed and missed the Wednesday post. So I am sure this has happened to all of you drivers...right? Actually it's quite dangerous to catch some shut eye while on the road...even on red lights, and you could also slow down traffic if you don't wake up in time. So why don't they program the sensor that sounds an alarm when the object in front you if moving away....but it won't work if you are the first car...damn.

But anyways, don't sleep while driving, I've gotten into accident twice because of it (we are so good at learning from our mistake). Happy Chinese New Year and stay safe everyone.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Fruit Ninja Rising

新年快樂! 休息了兩個禮拜,繼續今年的漫畫目標。

Fruit Ninja 應該有智慧型手機的都會知道,就是切水果的遊戲。不知道的人去跟其他人借來玩一下。但Fruit Ninja這遊戲裡面一個忍者都沒有,只有水果。。。(雖然可以解釋成忍者就是不會被你看到才叫忍者)

所以我就加了Raiden進去。他是另一個遊戲裡面的角色然後剛好他就是忍者 (應該算是) 然後也會切西瓜 (請觀賞以下影片,2:10開始切) 所以就覺得好笑。。。如果夠宅。(或是笑點夠低)

Happy New Year you all. To all 3 of you that is following my comic (I hope there is 3), I am back in the business.

The inspiration comes from Fruit Ninja and Metal Gear Solid: Rising. For those who don't know what Fruit Ninja is,  you should. Also you should notice that you can't see the ninja in there with your naked eye.

As for Metal Gear Solid: Rising, its the new Metal Gear game announced 2 years ago and has been canceled then rebuilt and renamed recently by another studio.

Anyway, I still love the old trailer below, just because you can cut watermelon and people. Cut FRUITS and people!!